Jammu, Nov 22 (IANS) Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Monday asked the civil and police administration to exercise the”highest degree of restraint and use minimal force while dealing with the law and order situation”.
“You should ensure that no casualty or grievous injury takes place while dealing with law and order problems,” he said via video conferencing.
Abdullah was taking stock of the law and order situation and progress on development works in Budgam, Baramulla and Pulwama districts soon after his arrival here from New Delhi, where he met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Defence Minister A.K. Antony and discussed with them the latest situation in the Valley.
Baramullah in north Kashmir and Pulwama in south Kashmir were among the worst hit districts, while the central Kashmir district of Budgam also witnessed considerable violence and protests during the ongoing agitation in the Valley.
The state government has come under sharp criticism over its handling of the law and order situation during the past five months. More than 110 people lost their lives and various human rights groups have charged the government with using high-handed methods in dealing with the stone-pelting protestors.
Abdullah said it was a test for the police to deal with the situation. He said that the rights of citizens should be respected and the police is expected to show restraint even in the face of provocation.