By Rehan Ansari,,
Mumbai: Right To Information Act (RTI) which is completing its 5th year on 12th October, 2010, has been a remarkable policy initiative. It has empowered the common man to get things done but still majority is unaware of their rights. On this occasion TCN talked to the journalist and RTI activist, Afroz Alam Sahil who has nearly 4000 RTI applications to his credit.
Famous for his RTI which brought the post mortem Report of the Batla house encounter public, Mr. Sahil’s passion and zeal for using RTI as tool for transparency in public life, brought many other important otherwise hidden facts in the public domain.
For instance funding of political parties who were not following 24-A of funding and how Dow Chemicals, who is guilty of Bhopal Gas tragedy funded the BJP. Thanks to this author of a book on RTI, the shocking revelation by NHRC that 50% of all the encounters are fake, came in the public domain.

What is RTI and how does it make difference in a common man’s life?
Right to Information Act is a tool for common man to get the information from the government or government funded departments and agencies; in other words it mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information.
RTI Act was already implemented by Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh well before 2005 when it became a national law.
Common man can get his ration card, passport and other day to day related documents and details from the concern department without getting in to corruption. For instance a Rickshaw puller in Bihar, Mazloom Nadaf got his house under Indira Awas Yojna because of RTI act.
One can bring about revolution in his area, district, state and country by filing RTI about the funds to Municipal Councilors, MLAs, MPs and its usage.
Apart from checking corruption, RTI can also bring transparency and accountability among the government officers.
What inspired you to file the RTI and which is your first RTI?
It’s a long story. I and my elder brother had a joint account in the State bank of India in Bihar and due to some mistake in the name, a cheque, which my brother deposited in our account, was not credited by the bank. It was a grave situation for us and we were badly in need of money but the bank authorities were not co-operating. After 3 months I had to go to Bihar from Delhi. I filed an RTI in the Stat bank about their working, leaves, deposits account holders etc. The manager was agitated but finally succumbed to the power of RTI and he personally solved our problem.
Secondly, I was a student of journalism and was reading about the Act more often. So I thought it’s the best way to get the authentic information and to serve the nation because information is power in today’s modern world.
Then I joined “Drive against Bribe” campaign by Parivartan. We organized RTI camps in Bihar where we inform the people and trained them to file RTI applications.
What is your advice in the context of killing and murder of many RTI activists?
It’s very sad but true. As I said, information is power and no one would like to share that power with you. Now, we have to fight for our share of power with the help of RTI.
Secondly I personally feel that most of the killings are because of personal enmity or politics or by mafias.
But we should not be afraid and be ready to face this kind of situation which is rare and not very common. Still there are lots of activists working round the clock. I think government must add teeth to the act to protect the citizens.
What is the problem with the RTI Act and how it could be rectified?
The most important problem is its implementation in totality in words and is spirit. Section 4 (1) (b) of RTI act which mandates the government office to voluntarily disclose 17 information regarding the department. This Suo-motto disclosure is not getting implemented in most of the government departments.
Secondly government data are not computerized and in manual condition. Thirdly government officers are unwilling to share information and finally the training of government staff.
As per the Act, information should be provided with in a month of filing the application but at times it can take years also.
Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the state is very important. But as I got to know through the RTI, that they are spending more money traveling abroad than their stipulated budget.
Why Common man is still unaware or rather reluctant to use RTI?
There are two issues in this. First is that the government spending on its advertisement is not sufficient. Government must spend heavily to propagate the Act. It should keep awareness camps for the citizens.
Secondly citizens are not getting the required information in time and the Chief Information commissioner is not levying penalties i.e. Rs.2500 to 25000 on the erring officers. Due to this apathy citizens get frustrated.
Are the staffs well trained to deal with RTI?
They are not well trained, also not willing, as I said. Chief Information Commissioner of the state must get proactively involve in helping the citizen to get their share of power. Training and orientation camps for the staff must be regularly organized.
How can the rural population get benefits through this act when majority of the population lives in villages and they are illiterate?
I have different opinion; I think villagers are filing more RTI applications than their urban counterpart. In fact, the fight for this act started with farmers and labors of this nation.
Aruna Rai, Shankar and Nikhil De all have started their agitations from the villages of Rajasthan under Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) which ran a national campaign also on RTI.
Any advice you would like to give to the citizens?
Citizens must know the act very well. It’s very simple. You can get the information from any department of the government on a blank paper. Some government has provided a form which is also very helpful.
According to section 6 (3) if we could not file the RTI with the concern department then the Public Information officer, PIO must inform the applicant in 5 days or send it to the concern department. if you are below poverty line or not earning or students, it requires only Ten Rupee.
Lastly, don’t get frustrated. Be a fighter and bring about the revolution in the society because “THE RIGHT TO KNOW IS THE RIGHT TO LIVE”.