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Muslims should join hands to eradicate evil influence of terrorism that is staining Islam

By Kaleem Kawaja,

In Qoran, the holy book of Islam, God says very clearly that He sent the religion of Islam through Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as a mercy to mankind, to remove oppression, injustice, mayhem, violence and anarchy from the earth.

But presently, we are in a period of time when some misled Muslim groups are indiscriminately torturing and killing innocent non-Muslims and innocent Muslims in large numbers almost every week and almost everywhere. The Muslim majority countries are in worst shape.

Pakistani children, chant prayers, during a candle light vigil for the victims of the Taliban attack. Photo: AP

At Peshawar, they killed innocent young children, who were engaged in the noble pursuit of learning that Quran and Mohammad have exhorted repeatedly. The Taliban are pure evil and pure devils. These terrorists and their likeminded terrorist organisations (ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Qaeda et al) are the shame of the global Muslim community and humanity. They are the curse of God on the earth.

Today let all Muslims, whatever their nationality and wherever they are, join hands to eradicate this evil influence that is staining the good name of Islam. Let us pray to God to send His punishment on these evil predators and destroy them forthwith just as He destroyed similar predators and tormentors in the history of mankind.

(Kaleem Khwaja is the Executive Director of Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM).)