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Flood-hit Bangladesh seeks help from donors

Dhaka, Aug 19 (Xinhua) Bangladesh Sunday formally sought cash and food aid from 32 donor countries and agencies on emergency basis to recuperate losses caused by the devastating floods.

The assistance was sought at a meeting of the Bangladeshi government with donor countries and agencies coordinated by World Bank Country Director Zhu Xian.

After the meeting, Aminul Islam Bhuiyan, secretary to the external relations division of the finance ministry, told reporters that Bangladesh has sought $150 million from the donors in cash, but he did not specify the amount of food aid required immediately.

He said as final assessment was not done yet, it is difficult to say at this moment about the food aid.

“We need this help and assistance to cover up the loss caused by the devastating flood,” Bhuiyan said.

Zhu on behalf of the donor countries and agencies assured Bangladesh of the required help.

According to preliminary statistics from the agriculture ministry, Bangladesh suffered a crop loss of $285.71 million in the flood, which affected 39 of the 64 districts of Bangladesh.

The flood, which started at the end of July, has killed over 500 people and affected over 10 million.