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Pakistani police arrest US rights activists


Islamabad : Police arrested two US rights activists in eastern Lahore city for holding anti-Musharraf protest demonstrations and ordered them out of the country.

Medea Benjamin and Tighe Barry, activists of Global Exchange human rights group, were arrested Tuesday midnight. They have been instructed to leave the country immediately, interior ministry sources told KUNA Wednesday.

According to police sources, the American activists will be deported by Wednesday night.
The two came to Pakistan to monitor the political situation since the imposition of emergency rule and were keeping a vigil outside the house of Aitzaz Ahsan, a lawyer and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) member who led lawyers demonstrations against the dismissal of former Chief Justice by President Musharraf in March.

Aitzaz was elected head of the Supreme Court Bar Association a day before President Musharraf imposed emergency in the country and has been placed under house arrest since then.

US Ambassador Anne Patterson was also denied a meeting with Aitzaz Ahsan Monday.