Home Indian Muslim Hamas: Participants in annapolis responsible for catastrophe in Gaza

Hamas: Participants in annapolis responsible for catastrophe in Gaza


Gaza : The Hamas Movement has affirmed on Dec 6 2007 that all participants in the recently concluded Annapolis conference in the United States will be held responsible for any human catastrophe that might occur in the besieged Gaza Strip as a result of the escalated Israeli aggressions and the harsh measures against the Palestinians there.

In a press statement he issued and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC, the spokesman of Hamas Movement in northern Gaza Strip Abdullatif Al-Kano’o urged the international community as well as the countries that attended the Annapolis meeting to immediately intervene to bridle the Israeli occupation government and to pressure it into halting starving and besieging the 1.5 million Palestinians in the tiny Strip.

He also affirmed that frequency of the IOF troops’ atrocities against Gaza Strip increased immediately after the conclusion of the Annapolis meeting last week, citing the killing of 30 Palestinian citizens, including 24 fighters from the armed wing of Hamas Movement, the Qassam Brigades, within the past few days in Gaza only.

Moreover, Kano’o highlighted that the IOF troops carried out frenzied and intensive arrest campaigns against Hamas activists and political leaders in the West Bank in full coordination with the PA security apparatuses loyal to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and the “illegitimate” PA government which he installed in Ramallah city.

The coordinated PA-Israeli arrest campaigns against Hamas in the West Bank were paralleled with stiffer Israeli measures taken against the Gaza Strip, including escalating military aggressions, reducing quantities of fuel supplies, and sealing off all crossing points linking Gaza to the world , thus, turning it into an open air concentration camp for 1.5 million individuals there.

However, Kano’o asserted that the Palestinian people will remain steadfast and firm on their land and that they will foil all the evil conspiracies the “Zionist enemy” was and still is concocting against them, affirming that no one can force the Palestinian people into surrendering their just rights and national constants at any cost.

He also said that the results that were produced by the Annapolis conference were a replication to what had been produced by previous infamous agreements, including the Oslo accord, the Taba understandings, the Camp David and the Way River gatherings among other “futile” meetings that, he charged, contributed to unmasking Israel’s deception in dealing with the Palestinians.

Hamas Movement along with other national and Islamic Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim parties had warned of the adverse repercussions of the Annapolis meeting, advising the PA leadership and other Arab states not to attend it in order not to “legitimize” the IOF aggressions against the Palestinian people; but those calls apparently fell on deaf ears.

Many influential Arab and Muslim countries, including Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia among other states attended the conference that many political analysts agreed was designed to normalize relationships between the Hebrew state and the Arab and Muslim world in addition to bailing the United States out of the Iraqi and Afghani amidst the growing public opposition inside the USA against the war on those two countries.