New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Tuesday issued a notice to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to respond to an appeal by Sushil Ansal, the main accused in the Uphaar cinema fire disaster that killed 59 people 10 years ago challenging his two-year jail sentence.
The notice was also sent to the Association of Victims of Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT), which represents the families of the victims.
After hearing the argument of Ansal’s counsel R.K. Naseem, Justice S.N. Dhingra asked the CBI and AVUT to reply by Jan 2.
The real estate tycoon, who co-owns the Uphaar cinema hall, Monday approached the high court challenging the sentence awarded by a lower court.
On Nov 23, Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal were awarded two-year jail sentences for the June 13, 1997 inferno. They were immediately granted bail.