New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Tuesday directed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to include the name of Amity University in its website in the non-statutory category.
The UGC website has names of some institutions which are not recognised universities but as registered institutional bodies.
Justice B.D. Ahmed said: "UGC is a public body and performs public functions, although it has discretion in maintaining or not maintaining a list of universities. Once the discretion is exercised, it must be reasonable and not arbitrary."
The court directed UGC to make periodic inspection of the institute, which imparts education to thousands of students.
Amity University, earlier recognised as an university registered at Chhattisgarh, was de-recognised by an order of the Supreme Court.
In December last year it had sought directions to the UGC to incorporate its name in the list of universities.
It has asked for direction to the Indian Nursing Council to consider its application for grant of recognition to its nursing courses. It also asked for recognition to its law degree under the UGC Act.
The petition filed by Raj Singh, pro-vice chancellor of the university, maintained that the university was granted the status of a university by the governor of Uttar Pradesh on March 24, 2005.
Amity, which has its campus at Noida and Lucknow, has applied for recognition to the UGC.
But despite repeated reminders, Amity was yet to receive any favourable response, said the petition.