Home India News Pranab launches pilot projects of Pan-Africa network

Pranab launches pilot projects of Pan-Africa network


New Delhi : India's diplomatic safari in Africa notched another milestone Friday when External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee launched the pilot projects of the Pan-Africa Network in Addis Ababa that will bring benefits of tele-education and tele-medicine to the 53-nation continent.

"This is a positive example of South-South cooperation which uses IT and space technology and generates a multiplier developmental effect," Mukherjee said in the Ethiopian capital after launching tele-education and tele-medicine projects of the network, an external affairs ministry statement said.

The Indian government Thursday approved Rs.5.42 billion ($120 million) for India's dream project in Africa, aimed at bridging the digital divide among the countries of the continent.

"Our bilateral relationship is to be further diversified and expanded," Mukherjee said in a departure statement as he wrapped up his four-day visit to Ethiopia.

During Mukherjee's visit, India and Ethiopia signed five pacts and agreed to cooperate against international terrorism, including cross border terrorism, and sustain common positions on climate change and the UN reforms.

In a significant gesture of solidarity with Ethiopia and Africa, the minister forcefully reiterated India's support for the "legitimate demand" of Africa for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

Ethiopia reciprocated, conveying it's "strong support" for India's claim for a permanent seat in an expanded security council.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi accepted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's invitation to visit India in November. India agreed to participate in the millennium party of Ethiopia, one of the world's oldest civilisations.

Three agreements were signed on bilateral investment protection, establishment of a joint ministerial committee and foreign office consultations between the two countries.

Two more pacts were signed in the area of science and technology and education, said the statement.

An Indian parliamentary delegation will visit Ethiopia soon to promote exchange of ideas on strengthening democratic institutions in the country.