Home Indian Muslim Haneef’s wife awaits details of flight back home

Haneef’s wife awaits details of flight back home


Bangalore : Firdous Arshiya, wife of Muhammad Haneef who was detained in Australia on terrorism charges, was happy to learn that his ordeal was over and he was leaving for home Saturday night. She was, however, awaiting details of his flight back home.

She said she had not been able to talk to Haneef and was trying to contact her cousin Imran Siddiqui, who went to Australia last Saturday, to know the details of her husband's flight after 25 trying days in Australia.

"I have only learnt from media that my husband is leaving Australia tonight. I am trying to contact my cousin Imran for details," Arshiya told IANS here.

Haneef's sister Sumaiyya and brother Shoaib said they were happy to learn that he would be returning home.

Earlier Saturday, the 27-year-old Indian doctor was allowed to leave Australia by a late night flight. However, the Australian government refused to reinstate his 457 work visa even after dropping terrorism charges against him.

Haneef, held on July 2, was released Friday after he was cleared of any involvement in the botched terror attacks in Glasgow and London last month.