New York : Due to their long and hectic duties policemen could face chronic sleep disorder, shows a study of over four thousand police officers in the US.
Sleep is the state of natural rest a human being needs to stay in good health. Without sufficient sleep one can get several health related complications.
Sleep disorders are common, costly and treatable, but often remain undiagnosed and untreated. Unrecognised sleep disorders adversely affect personal health and may lead to chronic sleep loss, which, in turn, increases the risk of accidents and injuries.
These problems are exacerbated in shift workers including police officers, who may experience chronic sleep loss due to their schedules, said a research abstract presented at Sleep 2007, the 21st Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS).
The finding is based on the study of Shantha M. W. Rajaratnam of Harvard Medical School and other researchers on the responses of 4,471 police officers to a self-report survey that included screening for various sleep disorders.
The researchers found a high incidence of sleep disorders among the members of this profession, reported health portal Medical News Today.
"Sleep disorder screening and treatment programs may potentially improve police officer health, safety and productivity," said Rajaratnam.
Experts recommend that adults get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night to maintain good health and optimum performance.