New Delhi : Police Friday detained 164 Bharatiya Janata Party councillors while they were going to submit a memorandum to union Urban Development Minister S. Jaipal Reddy on various issues, including mixed land use and parking charges in the capital.
Among those detained include Deputy Mayor Savinder Jeet Singh Bajwa.
They were later freed.
"The councillors, who wanted to give memorandum on conversion charges to Jaipal Reddy, carried a foot rally across the city and were detained near Minto Road. They were taken to the Kamala Nagar police station but released after some hours," a Municipal Corporation of Delhi spokesperson said.
"The last date for depositing mixed use charges should be extended from June 30 to Aug 30 since it is not possible for millions of traders and professionals to understand the ticklish process of this scheme and arrange the money to deposit it within a short time," he said.