Home Indian Muslim Britain to pursue further U.N., EU sanctions on Iran

Britain to pursue further U.N., EU sanctions on Iran

By Xinhua

London : The British government said on Thursday that it would pursue further the U.N. and EU sanctions on Iran.

Speaking on the latest report on Iran’s nuclear program released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a spokesman for the British Foreign Office said, “We will study Dr El Baradei’s report carefully and offer detailed views at the forthcoming IAEA Board of Governors meeting (22-23 November).”

“As the IAEA report now shows that Iran has still not addressed several issues about its nuclear program, we will pursue further Security Council and EU sanctions,” he said.

“If Iran wants to restore trust in its program it must come clean on all outstanding issues without delay — including full disclosure on the P1 and P2 centrifuge issues — by the end of the November, as well as implement the Additional Protocol and suspend its enrichment related and reprocessing activities as called for in UNSCRs 1696, 1737, and 1747′,” he added.

On Monday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that Britain would push for “tougher sanctions” on Iran unless Tehran agreed to abandon its uranium enrichment activities.

“We will lead in seeking tougher sanctions both at the U.N. and in the European Union, including on oil and gas investment and the financial sector,” said Brown, adding “Iran should be in no doubt about our seriousness of purpose.”

On Thursday, the IAEA report noted “substantial progress” made by Iran in revealing the nature and extent of its disputed nuclear program, but added that Iran needs to be more “pro-active” in providing information.