Home Indian Muslim Roadside bomb kills U.S. soldier in Baghdad

Roadside bomb kills U.S. soldier in Baghdad

By Xinhua

Baghdad : An American soldier was killed and three others were injured when a sophisticated armored piercing roadside bomb detonated near their combat patrol in Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Thursday.

The attack also killed an Iraqi interpreter when an explosively formed penetrator, or EFP, detonated near their patrol Tuesday in eastern the capital, the military said in a statement. The name of the deceased is being withheld pending notification of next of kin, it added.

EFP, first developed during World War II, is a special type of shaped charge designed to penetrate armor effectively. U.S. officials frequently accused Iran of providing the weapons, including the EFP, for Shiite militia in Iraq, which was denied by Iran.

The latest death brings the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in Iraq to about 3,875 since the outbreak of the Iraq war in 2003, according to media count based on Pentagon figures.