Home Indian Muslim Army claims taking militant stronghold in Pakistan

Army claims taking militant stronghold in Pakistan


Swat (Pakistan) : Pakistani security forces have claimed to have taken control of Najia Top in this valley of the North-West Frontier Province after capturing militant bunkers near Saidu Sharif Airport.

Guerrillas have moved to unknown places after they abandoned the bunkers they had established on four points near the airport, Online news agency said Tuesday.

The news agency quoting residents and the state television said the FM radio station run by guerrilla commander Maulana Fazlullah on the recaptured Najia Top has been shut down. Najia is the highest peak in the Swat district, a stronghold of Fazlullah.

Fazlullah’s FM was propagating anti-government and pro-Taliban propaganda.

Earlier, Fazlullah had announced on the radio that his supporters are leaving the bunkers established in Imam Dheri, Koza Bandi and Bra Bandi to avoid civilian casualties.

He said the decision was taken after a meeting of shoora (tribal advisory council), the news agency said.

The security forces have intensified their offensive against the militants, supporting Taliban, in the Swat Valley and during the operations the Pakistan Army has taken control of a number of areas, which militants had occupied.

Islamic militant of the Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi, led by the radical cleric Fazlullah are fighting against the Pakistan Army in the Swat Valley. In some villages, the militants had set up a parallel government with Islamic courts imposing sharia law.