Home Indian Muslim Give options for J&K Hajis to board flight from Delhi: Balraj Puri

Give options for J&K Hajis to board flight from Delhi: Balraj Puri

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

Jammu: Convenor of the People Union for Civil Liberties for Jammu & Kashmir, Mr. Balraj Puri has demanded that Hajis of the state be allowed to board from Delhi as well.

Srinagar is one of the 16th embarkation points for Hajis to board planes for Hajj. Many flights from Srinagar have been cancelled because of poor weather and visibility stranding hundreds of pilgrims.

Piligrims from Jammu are required to go to Srinagar for catching a flight. Bad weather have made the journey to Srinagar from Jammu really difficult.

Mr. Balraj Puri urged the government to let Hajis from Jammu board the flight from Delhi which will be more convenient and inexpensive for them.

In a statement issued today, Mr. Puri appealed to the Chief Minister, Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad to follow up this matter with concerned agencies.