Home India Politics Karnataka developments a sordid spectacle: CPI-M

Karnataka developments a sordid spectacle: CPI-M


New Delhi : The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) has described the Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) coming together again to form a government as a sordid spectacle.

The CPI-M politburo stated, “The coming together again of the BJP and the JD-S to stake the claim to form the government in Karnataka is a sordid spectacle. The rank opportunism of the JD-S leadership and the unprincipled lust for power of the BJP have betrayed the aspirations of the people of Karnataka.”

The party said in a statement that there was nothing to be gained from such an exercise. “The only sensible and democratic way out is for the state to have fresh elections and a new mandate from the people,” the politburo stated.

The JD-S Saturday met the state governor and expressed support for the BJP, paving the way for the first chief minister from the latter anywhere in south India. The two parties had parted ways only earlier this month on the question of power sharing.