Home International Voting against US Blockade on Cuba Sets Record

Voting against US Blockade on Cuba Sets Record

United Nations, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) The vote at the UN General Assembly against the economic blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States scored a new record, when Washington”s policy towards the Island was condemned by 184 countries.

With opposition by the United States, Israel, Marshall Islands, and Palau, besides Mocronesia, the resolution that demands to end the over-40-year economic blockade on Cuba received almost unanimous support of the 192 UN members.

The resolution against that coercive measure had 183 votes in favor, which is a record, compared to previous years, but Nicaragua marked the difference this time.

According to Nicaraguan Ambassador to the UN, Maria Rubiales de Chamorro, “it is a motive for Nicaragua to be proud, having become the 184th vote.” “This is also due to the iron will of the Nicaraguan people and Ruben Dario y Sandino”s legacy, he said.

Ambassador Rubiales de Chamorro said this unity of Latin America and the Caribbean, in favor of the resolution against the US blockade on Cuba has happened “after almost 16 years of shameful withdrawal from the voting.” The resolution approved on Tuesday highlights the “need to put an end to the economic, financial, and trade blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States of America.” hr iom tgj PL-29