Home Indian Muslim Women assaulted, reach police station naked

Women assaulted, reach police station naked


Raipur : Three women in Chhattisgarh reached a police station in naked and semi-naked conditions after escaping from the clutches of attackers, the police said Wednesday.

Superintendent of Police (City) Lal Umed Singh told reporters that a group of people in state capital Raipur mercilessly beat up three women late Tuesday night at a busy square.

The women, in their late 20s, ran to a nearby women’s police station to save themselves. The official said one of them was without clothes while the other two were in semi-clad. Their clothes were torn in the scuffle when they reached the police station.

The three women had a rift with a woman resident who had objected to their staying in the area.

The women informed the police that some people wanted to kill them because they had earlier been involved in flesh trade.