Home International Sarkozy announces tri-nation mission to save Betancourt

Sarkozy announces tri-nation mission to save Betancourt


Paris : France, along with Spain and Switzerland, is undertaking a “humanitarian mission” aimed at saving Ingrid Betancourt, who is being held by Colombian rebels.

The initiative, announced in a statement by the office of President Nicolas Sarkozy followed a strong appeal Tuesday to Colombian guerrillas from the left-wing “FARC” organization to free Franco-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt, who is seriously ill in captivity.

“The last information and witness reports are deeply alarming. Ingrid Betancourt is in imminent danger of death,” Sarkozy said in a national television broadcast Tuesday, prompting the preparation of the humanitarian mission which includes medical assistance.

The mission had been approved by the Colombian government, which is carrying out a deadly war against the FARC.

Latest reports say that the Franco-Colombian woman has stopped taking food and is losing vital body fluids.

Sarkozy warned that she “no longer has the strength to resist” captivity and we are heading towards “a tragedy”.

“Release Ingrid Betancourt,” Sarkozy urged Tuesday, telling the FARC leadership to assume its responsibilities or it will be held responsible for a woman’s death.

Betancourt, whose ex-husband is French, was a candidate for the Colombian presidency before she was kidnapped in February 2002 and she was formerly a Senator in Colombia.

France last week sent a hospital plane to its territory in French Guyana to be ready rapidly to recover Betancourt if the FARC releases her.