Home International Listeners Urge PM Samak To Speak Softly On The Air

Listeners Urge PM Samak To Speak Softly On The Air

By Bernama

Bangkok : Although most Thais appreciate the weekly programme aired by Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, they don’t like him using harsh or intimidating language during the programme, Thailand News Agency (TNA) reported citing a recent survey.

A new Bangkok University-conducted “Bangkok Poll” surveyed 1,036 people living in metropolitan Bangkok found that 57. 7 per cent of all respondents said the programme, aired on state-run television and radio stations every Sunday morning, was “quite appropriate”.

Some 13. 5 per cent said it was very good and 23. 1 per cent said it was rather inappropriate.

About one in 20 persons — 5. 7 per cent of all respondents — said the programme was completely dull.

Four out of 10, or 35. 9 per cent, said they wanted Samak, who has held office for only two months, to address the high cost of living and related economic problems, according to the poll.

One-third, 33. 5 per cent, wanted him to address ways to administer the country and 14. 6 per cent wanted solutions for social and education problems.

When asked what they most disliked, the majority of respondents said they wanted the prime minister not to use harsh or intimidating words on the programme.

The veteran politician is known for his outspokenness and frequently attacks politicians belonging to the opposition Democrat Party.