Home Economy Israeli bank selects I-flex Solutions

Israeli bank selects I-flex Solutions


Mumbai : Mumbai based IT solution company I-flex Solutions Ltd said Wednesday that Israel Discount Bank (IDB) had chosen its financial services product Flexcube as its core banking platform for British operations.

Although the first Flexcube deployment will be at IDB’s British operations, the financial group is considering progressively rolling out the solution globally. The bank operates through a network of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in 18 financial centres including US, Europe and Latin America.

For Britain, IDB has selected Flexcube Release 10.0, as well as Acumen, to deliver corporate, retail and private banking services from a single platform.

Olivier Trancart, CEO of I-flex Solutions, said: “IDB is a prestigious win for us. Working with them further reinforces our investment and commitment to the larger UK international banking community looking at replacing their legacy systems.”