Home Muslim World News Israeli officials: No ceasefire agreement with Hamas yet

Israeli officials: No ceasefire agreement with Hamas yet

By Xinhua,

Jerusalem : Senior Israeli officials Tuesday morning denied some Arab press reports that a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas was reached.

“Hamas always was and remains a terrorist organization responsible for the latest attacks on the border crossings with the Gaza Strip, amongst others,” local daily Jerusalem Post quoted senior Israeli officials as saying.

Israel has not yet committed itself officially to a ceasefire and is waiting for a detailed proposal to be delivered via Egypt. Earlier on Tuesday, the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram reported Egyptand Hamas have drafted an agreement of principles on a ceasefire between the Islamist movement group and Israel, in which the blockade on the Gaza Strip would be lifted and Palestinian attacks halted.

According to Al-Ahram, Egyptian Intelligence Chief OmarSuleiman will soon present the outline of the agreement to Israeli officials in Jerusalem, and Hamas will also present the agreement to the other movement of Islamic Jihad for approval.

Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti newspaper Mishkat Al-Ray said the signing of the agreement is imminent, according to Jerusalem Post. Mishkat Al-Ray also said the prisoner exchange deal would be postponed to a later date. The deal includes the release of Israel defense forces soldier Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped by Hamas-led militants in a cross-border raid in June 2006.

Senior Israeli government officials perceive a change in Hamas positions in recent days, at least concerning attempts to achieve a lull in fighting in the Gaza Strip, local daily Ha’aretz reported Tuesday on its website.

Israeli sources credit the turnabout in Hamas’ position to the economic and military pressure put on Gaza, saying Hamas appears to be willing to accept a ceasefire only in Gaza rather than the West Bank, according to Ha’aretz.