Home India News Universal “Oneness Temple” inaugurated

Universal “Oneness Temple” inaugurated


Tada (Andhra Pradesh) : A unique “Oneness Temple” that preaches universal love was inaugurated here in the presence tens of thousands of devotees.

It is at the “42-acre UniverCity”, 80 km north of Chennai. The organisers claimed that Oneness UniverCity is a spiritual órganisation focused on enlightenment and aimed at human beings’ relief from inherent suffering.

“Our mission is to create a set of universally tolerant human beings whose re-engineered consciousness would accord form, structure, destiny and direction to today’s world, thereby awakening man to oneness, resulting in individual and global transformation,” Acharya Samdarshinini, the spokesperson of the organisation, told reporters.

Founded by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagwan in 2002 on the outskirts of Chennai, the UniverCity houses a temple whose centrepiece is a “Golden Ball of Divine Grace”, which would lead to a series of neurobiological changes in the human brain creating higher levels of consciousness. The organisation has millions of followers in India as well as across the world and a full-fledged university in Fiji, a press communiqué said.

“The Doors to Oneness” is a seven-day process through an eight-fold path that leads believers into an awakened state by ending suffering and generating faith, joy, rapture, calm, bliss and concentration that finally results in the experience of the ultimate reality,” the release added.