Home International Chicago Accident Causes Still Unclear

Chicago Accident Causes Still Unclear

By Prensa Latina,

Washington : US authorities lack evidence of the causes of an accident in a train station in Chicago, where two people died and more than 20 resulted injured, the CNN television network reported on Saturday.

The source quoted statements by local Police Deputy Chief Joseph Patterson, who considered insufficient the information available about the incident on Friday, when a trailer truck hit the station.

We can only speak about a tragic event for now, he said.

According to the news network, several witnesses asserted that the vehicle did not slow down when approaching the building, which was crowded with passengers.

I heard a funny noise and then saw the trailer going straight to the station. It seemed something unbelievable to me, said Elliot Reed.

According to Stroger Hospital spokesman Sean Howard, the police took the truck driver there in handcuffs; put him to the sobriety test, and released him later.

We released him, because we have no evidence so far against him, said police agent John Mirabelli.

Around 20 people remain in Chicago’s hospitals, 11 of them in critical conditions, according to a CNN report.