Home Sports China Guarantees Olympic Games

China Guarantees Olympic Games

By Prensa Latina,

Beijing : China stated Saturday that security measures for the 2008 Olympic Games are ready to face any kind of threat.

Meng Jiangsu, Chinese Public Security Minister, said the Asian country is confident and able to break any attack to guarantee the 2008 Olympic Games, in a meeting with the participants in the International Conference on Security in Beijing.

The Olympic Games have always been a major goal for terrorists, separatism and extremism, the Chinese official said.

He said that a great international cooperation is essential, and called for a reinforcement of collaboration between different countries in terms of information and law application.

Interpol general secretary Ronald Noble told Chinese newspaper ChinaDaily that Interpol would give a full support to the Chinese authorities to guarantee the Games.

He specified that a group from Interpol will arrive in Beijing weeks before the event to help on the training of Chinese officials to face difficult operations in large events and crises, and automatic access to its data base on criminal activities.