Home Muslim World News Bangladesh President calls upon Imams to preach life-oriented khutba

Bangladesh President calls upon Imams to preach life-oriented khutba


Dhaka, Bangladesh : Bangladesh President Professor Dr Iajuddin Ahmed called upon the Imams and Khatibs to highlight the importance of life-oriented education particularly practical and technological knowledge in the Jumma Khutba (weekly religious sermons) side by side providing religious education to the devotees.

“We have to keep in mind that there is no conflict between Islam and science. Besides, there is no scope of lagging behind in the world of science and technology in the present era of globalization,” he added.

The President made the call while addressing the National Imam Conference-2008 organised by Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh (IFB) at Osmani Memorial Auditorium here on Wednesday.

Law, Justice and Religious Affairs Adviser AF Hassan Ariff addressed the conference as the special guest. Religious Affairs Secretary Muhammad Ataur Rahman and director general of IFB Mohammad Fazlur Rahman also addressed on the occasion.

The President distributed crests and cheques among four Alems at national level and 18 Alems at divisional level, who received training from the IFB, at the function for their extraordinary performance.

He said Islam is a religion of peace and humanity and Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country with an excellent religious harmony where people tied with the bonds of equality and fraternity.

Islam never indulges in terrorism, injustice, repression and anarchy and humanity is exposed to unjust, oppression and repression in the absence of it,” he said.

The President said the Holy Quran gives utmost importance to Acquiring knowledge, but it is regrettable we the Muslims kept ourselves aloof from following this imperative. “In most of Muslim countries, the rate of literacy is alarmingly poor,” he added.

Professor Iajuddin also called for keeping our conscience always alive and working unitedly for the development of our loving motherland.

“Conscience is the biggest vanguard of human being and it develops through moral and humanistic education. I believe a man enlightened with moral and religious values never can involve in unfair activities,” he said.

“We want a knowledge-based society enriched with moral values, which would contribute to build a prosperous nation by remaining firm in truth and justice,” he said.

The President praised the IFB for its training programme and expressed the hope that this would help building religious leadership in society side by side contributing to the country’s socio-economic development.