Home India News Jammu talks end in stalemate

Jammu talks end in stalemate


Jammu : Talks between an all-party delegation from Delhi and an agitating group from Jammu here Saturday failed to break the deadlock as protesters insisted on their “basic demand” of land being allotted to the Amarnath shrine board.

The talks between the delegation led by Home Minister Shivraj Patil lasted 90 minutes after the Amarnath Yatra Sangarsh Samiti (AYSS), a conglomerate of organisations demanding land return, agreed to participate in the meeting.

However, following the Samiti’s conditions, four delegation members from Jammu and Kashmir – Ghulam Nabi Azad, Saif-ud-Din Soz, Mehbooba Mufti and Farooq Abdullah – did not attend the meet.

At the end of the meet, Samiti leaders declared the talks yielded no results.

“Our basic demand was for the return of the land and that has not been accepted,” a Samiti leader said.

Patil’s comments on the talks were awaited.