Home Economy New Dubai firm to provide advisory services

New Dubai firm to provide advisory services


Dubai : The Dubai government has launched a new independent company, The Consulting Office (TCO), which will provide advisory services to public sector organisations in the region.

TCO will provide “top-tier advisory services to public sector organisations in Dubai, other emirates and the MENA (Middle East and Northern Africa) region”, according to a statement issued by the Dubai Executive Council (DEC).

DEC is a Dubai government authority charged with formulation and implementation of federal regulations and local laws, preparation of annual budgets along with development plans and coordination between various local departments.

According to the statement, TCO will also focus on capturing, developing and exporting Dubai’s knowledge and capabilities in the public sector.

“TCO aspires to be a strategic partner in public sector innovation,” newly appointed chief executive of TCO Huda Al Hashmi said in the statement.

“It will also assist in developing leaders for the public sector both locally and across the MENA region. This will ensure sustainable development and reinforce Dubai’s leading position in the region,” she added.

The new company, Al Hashmi said, would work closely with various public sector entities to ensure that they remained aligned to their agenda.

TCO is currently partnering with various government departments in Dubai to assist them in their current initiatives towards reform as outlined in the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015.

The plan, launched by Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum in February last year, sets out a strategic approach to develop the this west Asian metropolis’s most dynamic economic sectors.

TCO’s launch was immediately followed by the signing of a partnership between TCO and the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE).

SCE is the focal point of access to the extensive expertise residing across Singapore’s 15 government ministries and over 60 statutory boards.

According to the DEC statement, TCO’s alliance with SCE is expected to focus on various high priority areas such as health, education, urban planning and integrated government, since Singapore’s development closely resembles that of Dubai.

The new company has already appointed directors to its board, with representation from academia, private and public sectors.

DEC secretary general Ahmad Bin Byat is currently acting as the new company’s chairman.