Home India News Chidambaram wants compensation paid by Dec 31

Chidambaram wants compensation paid by Dec 31


Mumbai : Home Minister P. Chidambaram Friday urged the Maharasthra government to pay compensation to victims of the Mumbai terror attack by Dec 31.

Speaking to the media, Chidambaram said the relief package could include cash compensation or residential accommodation or jobs.

Citing examples where there have been delays in payment of compensation, he said: “If compensation is not given within a time frame, it gives rise to a bitter feeling among the affected people.”

Chidambaram said the central government would help family members of the victims to get their insurance claims settled within three to four weeks.

Chidambaram, who arrived in the morning, first visited the Chhatrapati Shivaji railway terminus and later went to the Taj and Oberoi hotel sites.

He also inquired about the health of the injured undergoing treatment at the J.J. Hospital.

Terrorists who India says came from Pakistan struck at 10 places in Mumbai Nov 26 evening, eventually seizing the two hotels and a Jewish centre. A total of 172 people were killed in three days and nights of terror.