Home Muslim World News Syrian-Lebanese relations enter a new stage

Syrian-Lebanese relations enter a new stage


Damascus : Lebanese Interior Minister, Ziad Baroud, has stressed that the Lebanese-Syrian relations have entered new stage and new page by the final statement of the latest Lebanese-Syrian summit.

In a televised interview last night, Baroud stressed that his visit to Syria came to follow up the outcome of the Lebanse-Syrian summit.

He added that there was a clear positive attitude on the Syrian side in dealing with all the proposed issued noting that Doha accord laid the basis for common understanding.

For his part, Former Deputy Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament , Elie Firizli , described Michel Aoun’s visit to Syria as a big strategic victory to the idea of reproduction of the Christian role in Lebanon and in the region.

Firizli undelined that Aoun’s visit came in response to the attempts of uprooting the Christians from the Arab orient adopted by the world Zionism, which began by uprooting the Christians from Bethlehm , and Jerusalem, the first land of Christ.

Meanwhile, Member of the Lebanese Change and Reform Bloc at the Lebanese Parliament , Fareed Khazen described Aoun’s visit to Syria as historic and exceptional that ushers in a new stage of the Lebanese –Syrian relations.