Home Economy Indian consumers favour eco-friendly products: study

Indian consumers favour eco-friendly products: study


New Delhi : Indians believe that environment is not in crisis but an overwhelming majority is still ready to pay more for eco-friendly products, a news survey revealed Thursday.

The survey, conducted by an international communication firm Edelman, said taking environmental-friendly actions was a high priority for the Indian consumers.

“Eighty-eight percent of Indian consumers are prepared to pay more for goods that are environmental friendly against 82 percent in China. In Japan, only 68 percent of consumers feel the environment is the most important issue,” it said.

The survey, carried out in 10 countries, including India, the US and China, said 79 percent of the Indians believe that there is too much fuss about environment and nearly 60 percent believe that the world is not experiencing global warming.

“Still, 92 percent feel it is their duty to contribute to a better society and environment,” it claimed.

It revealed that despite economic slowdown, a strong majority thinks it is important to purchase products and brands they perceive to be socially responsible. About 90 percent Indians and Chinese want to buy socially responsible brands while only 64 percent of Japanese want such products.

“What we find particularly interesting in this study is that economic concerns are taking a distant place behind consumers’ demands that quality brands be produced by socially conscious companies,” said Alan Vander Molen, Asia-Pacific president of the Edelman.

In India, 49 percent of consumers do not know of any socially responsible brands. But a large majority agreed that it is important for brands and companies to set aside money for a good cause during an economic recession, the study carried between August and October 2008 said.