Home India News Indian parliament unites to condemn terror attack from Pakistan

Indian parliament unites to condemn terror attack from Pakistan


New Delhi : Indian parliament Thursday passed a unanimous resolution condemning the “heinous terrorist attacks in Mumbai by terrorist elements from Pakistan” and said the country will not cease efforts until the terrorists and their patrons were brought to justice.

At the end of a day-long debate in the Lok Sabha, the lower house, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh read out the resolution that was passed with unanimous acclamation by the entire house, reflecting as Speaker Somnath Chatterjee said, the “unity of the entire country” on the occasion.

The resolution said: “This house expresses its unequivocal condemnation of the heinous terrorist attacks in Mumbai by terrorist elements from Pakistan claiming hundreds of innocent lives and seeking to destroy the values that India stands for;

“Notes that this outrage follows acts of terror committed since the beginning of this year in various places across India and on the Indian embassy in Kabul;

“Notes with deep concern the fact that Lashkar-eToiba, a terrorist organisation that is listed in the UN Security Council Resolution 1267 and is banned in Pakistan, has continued to operate and launch terrorist attacks against India;

“Notes the government’s declaration to review circumstances leading upto the attacks on Mumbai and to take further measures as may be necessary to safeguard national security;

“On behalf of the people of India, firmly resolves that India shall not cease her efforts until the terrorists and those who have trained, funded and abetted them are exposed and brought to justice;

“India shall firmly counter all evil designs against its unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity;

“India shall remain resolute and shall be victorious in its fight against the barbaric menace of terrorism; and

“That the ideal of a secular and democratic India shall prevail.”