Home Muslim World News Militants torch Afghanistan-based coalition forces’ trucks in Pakistan

Militants torch Afghanistan-based coalition forces’ trucks in Pakistan

By Xinhua,

Islamabad : Militants in northwestern Pakistan early Saturday torched 25 trucks transporting supplies for the Afghanistan-based coalition forces.

The militants used patrol bombs to set fire to the trucks sitting at a freight terminal in Peshawar, capital of North West Frontier Province (NWFP), the News Network International news agency quoted police as saying. The attackers fled after the attack.

It was the fifth such attack in the past ten days, police and terminal authorities said, adding that the attack raised the number of containers and oil tankers destroyed to around 325.

The provincial administration, in view of the repeated attacks on supply convoys of the coalition forces, has requested the federal government to provide security for the terminals.

Peshawar police chief Sifwat Gayoor said five people, suspected of involvement in the attack, have been arrested.