Home Indian Muslim Muslims should start planning for Lok Sabha elections: Mushawarat

Muslims should start planning for Lok Sabha elections: Mushawarat

By TwoCircles.net news desk,

New Delhi: The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM) on Saturday asked Muslims in the country to start coordinating, planning and working for the next general elections.

They should chalk out strategy in every state and constituency in order to benefit from the democratic possibilities, said AIMMM, an umbrella body of Indian Muslim organizations, in a resolution adopted at its central committee meeting held on December 13 under the chairmanship of its president Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan. The resolution also said Muslims should also seriously think of forming state level fronts and unions in cooperation with secular forces to work to raise the Muslim strength to the logical levels in the state Assemblies as well as in the Parliament.

The AIMMM said that it is at a loss to understand why the central government which appointed Mishra Commission in the first place, is sleeping on its recommendations for reservation for Muslims which offer the remedy to disease discovered by the Sachar Committee. AIMMM urged the government to right away place the Mishra Report in Parliament and implement it in right earnest so that the backwardness discovered of the community is addressed to some extent.

The AIMMM expressed its shock and utter condemnation of the terrorist attack on targets in Mumbai during 26-28 November. It said that “Pakistani government and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations and anyone else responsible in any manner for these attacks should be made to pay the price and must be brought to justice.”

The AIMMM has expressed satisfaction that the government has taken notice of the umpteen terror outfits run by Hindutva organisations in various parts of the country whose criminal activities were known to the country through a number of terrorist incidents and explosions in a number of states especially since the Nanded explosion in April 2006.

The organization has welcomed the formation of a central investigative agency to probe all inter-state crimes including terrorist attacks and calls upon the government to give substantial representation to minorities in this agency in order to win their support and faith in the investigative process which has been eroded due to preconceived ideas governing probe of such incidents in the past.

It has expressed its deep anguish at the way two young Muslim students were gunned down by police in Batla House locality of Delhi and the subsequent barrage of manufactured leaks to the media by security agencies about the so-called Muslim terrorists, masterminds and the wide-scale arrests, combings and blind probes in Azamgarh and Mumbai which smack of a post-encounter invention in order to justify the original act which is seen by the people of the area as a fake encounter. The AIMMM exhorted the central government to come clean on the issue and to order a high level probe into the whole incident including the subsequent wide-scale arrests which create a sense of insecurity and injustice which is not good for any democracy. Failing to do so will only mean that the government has something to hide, the AIMMM said.

The AIMMM said that that the existing laws are sufficient to fight any crime and POTA-like law will only be misused against the minorities as in the past. It demanded that Muslim youths incarcerated in unproven cases on the basis of confessions obtained under torture, should be freed and their cases should be reviewed at the earliest and that all Muslim youths acquitted by courts of law should automatically get adequate compensation for the period spent under custody and the damage done to their careers.

The AIMMM has welcomed the healthy trend of record popular participation in elections now taking place in J&K in stages but cautioned the central government that it must not forget that the issue of Kashmir should be properly and finally settled in peaceful talks with Pakistan as well as with local organisations, especially the “Hurriyat Conference, so that the issue is permanently solved and does not irritate good relations between India and Pakistan and does not endanger peace in South Asia.”

The meeting was attended by the members of the central majlis: Mr. A. R. Sherwani, Mr. Syed Shahabuddin, Mr. Navaid Hamid, Mr. Abdul Rashid Agwan, Prof. Shakeel Ahmad, Mr. S.M.Y. Nadeem, Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, Dr. Ubaid Iqbal Asim, Prof. Habibur Rahman, Mr. Nusrat Ali, Maulana Nizamuddin Islahi, Dr. K. Abdul Sattar, Dr. Arshi Khan, Maulana Syed Aqeelul Gharwi, Maulana Zeeshan Hedayati, Maulana Mohammad Jafar, Prof. Mateen Ahmad Siddiqui, Prof. Umar Hayat Khan Ghori, and Maulana Ejaz Ahmed Aslam.

Full text of the AIMMM resolutions:


The AIMMM is dismayed by the results of the recent state assembly elections, that once again the Muslim representation is below our due share as a result of the disinterest and apathy of political parties which failed to field more Muslim candidates in the elections.

As regards the forthcoming general elections, Muslims should start coordinating, planning and working for the next elections in every state and constituency in order to benefit from the democratic possibilities. In addition to voting for secular candidates, Muslims should whole-heartedly support good Muslim candidates who stand a chance in any constituency.

Muslims should also seriously think of forming state level fronts and unions in cooperation with secular forces to work to raise the Muslim strength to the logical levels in the state assemblies as well as in the Parliament. Muslims should take serious interest in grassroots democracy by taking part in panchayat, municipal and corporation elections and thereby using their presence for good governance, development, fighting corruption and offering good administration to the people.

J&K elections

AIMMM welcomes the healthy trend of record popular participation in elections now taking place in J&K in stages but cautions the central government that it must not forget that the issue of Kashmir should be properly and finally settled in peaceful talks with Pakistan as well as with local organisations, especially the Hurriyat Conference, so that the issue is permanently solved and does not irritate good relations between India and Pakistan and does not endanger peace in South Asia.

Hindutva terrorism

AIMMM notes with satisfaction that finally the Government of India has taken notice of the umpteen terror outfits run by Hindutva organisations in various parts of the country whose criminal activities were known to the country through a number of terrorist incidents and explosions in a number of states especially since the Nanded explosion in April 2006. The meticulous probe by Maharashtra ATS led by Hemant Karkare has uncovered the tip of the iceberg and jolted the whole nation to discover that the ultra-nationalists were ultra-terrorists too. It also blunted the BJP plank of usurping and communalising the fight against terror. The ATS probe has received a setback due to the untimely and mysterious death of the ATS Chief Hemant Karkare alongwith some of his trusted lieutenants on 26 November during the first hours of the terrorist attack on Mumbai.

In this regard, we demand that a) the government at both central and state levels should realise the seriousness of the revelations about Hindutva terrorism and continue this probe with all seriousness so that the real perpetrators of a number of terrorist incidents blamed on Muslims are brought to justice; b) to frustrate the fascist agenda to take over the State through organised violence which is the real reason for raising the Hindutva terrorist outfits who do not believe in democracy, secularism and plural society; c) known terrorist outfits like Bajrang Dal, Durga Vahini, VHP, Abhinav Bharat etc should be banned forthwith in order to frustrate the fascist totalitarian agenda; and d) a separate high-powered investigation should ordered into the murder of Hemant Karkare and his colleagues in the ATS.

Formation of a central investigative agency

The AIMMM welcomes the formation of a central investigative agency to probe all inter-state crimes including terrorist attacks and calls upon the government to give substantial representation to minorities in this agency in order to win their support and faith in the investigative process which has been eroded due to preconceived ideas governing probe of such incidents in the past.

Batla House “encounter”

The AIMMM expresses its deep anguish at the way two young Muslim students were gunned down by police in Batla House locality of Delhi and the subsequent barrage of manufactured leaks to the media by security agencies about the so-called Muslim terrorists, masterminds and the wide-scale arrests, combings and blind probes in Azamgarh and Mumbai which smack of a post-encounter invention in order to justify the original act which is seen by the people of the area as a fake encounter. The AIMMM exhorts the central government to come clean on the issue and to order a high level probe into the whole incident including the subsequent wide-scale arrests which create a sense of insecurity and injustice which is not good for any democracy. Failing to do so will only mean that the government has something to hide. The AIMMM is pained to note that attempts similar to Batla House are still taking place in the country, including Okhla area, where plain clothes holding fake identity cards have tried to kidnap citizens on mere suspicion. In some case, such attempts have been frustrated by the people in the area.

The AIMMM also expresses its concern that educated Muslim youths are framed in fake terrorism cases which endangers their careers and discourages Muslim youths from pursuing education.

Attack on Mumbai

The AIMMM expresses its shock and utter condemnation of the terrorist attack on targets in Mumbai during 26-28 November. Pakistani government and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations and anyone else responsible in any manner for these attacks should be made to pay the price and must be brought to justice. The investigations should focus on all possible internal and external players who have an interest in destabilising India and are beneficiaries of the crime. The AIMMM also feels strongly that some of these crimes were/are allegedly committed to avenge for injustices meted out to Indian Muslims. We would like to say that the Indian Muslim community is capable to fight its battle for justice and equality within the legal and constitutional framework of India and that no outside power, outfit or individual, especially those based in Pakistan, should shed crocodiles tears for Indian Muslims. AIMMM also appreciates that the UN Security Council has taken note of the terrorism in South Asia and has banned certain organisations based in Pakistan. AIMMM also appreciates that the authorities and media refrained from giving the Mumbai terrorist attack a communal colour.

New terror law, MCOCA and GUJCOC

The AIMMM notes that in the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attack there is a renewed talk about a new POTA-like law to fight terrorism. The AIMMM is of the firm view that the existing laws are sufficient to fight any crime and POTA-like law will only be misused against the minorities as in the past. The conviction rate under TADA was under one percent and under POTA under two percent despite the draconian provisions which shows that such laws are meant only for misuse. The AIMMM cautions that any law which may be misused against minorities is unacceptable to the Muslim community. In general there must be no law which allowed the police to extract confessions by and where bail is denied even after the police fails to file charge-sheets within a reasonable time frame like 90 days after first arrest.

The AIMMM notes that 31 Muslim youths were released in Hyderabad last month after unjust imprisonment for 11 years on trumped up charges for taking part in a protest rally on 6 Dec. 1996 against the demolition of the Babri mosque in 1992. They have now been paid a pittance of Rs 30,000 each as “compensation” which is a cruel joke. Their lives and careers have been shattered by an uncaring state. AIMMM demands that these youths must be paid adequate compensation for their ordeal and ruined careers so that they may stand on their two feet again. The AIMMM demands that other Muslim youths similarly incarcerated in unproven cases on the basis of confessions obtained under torture, should be freed and their cases should also be reviewed at the earliest. Moreover, all Muslim youths acquitted by courts of law should automatically get adequate compensation for the period spent under custody and the damage done to their careers.

Attacks on Christians

The AIMMM is pained to note that attacks on the Christian community’s institutions as well as religious leaders continue in various parts of the country, including the national capital. This shows that the State is unwilling or unable to restrain the culprits who are known to all and it is now clear that they have raised and trained terrorists to commit such crimes against minorities. It is a shame that such attacks are still allowed and the culprits are roaming free.

Nanavati commission report

The AIMMM is pained that Nanavati commission’s first part has served the purpose of whitewashing the Modi regime, giving it clean chit in the pre- and post-Godhra crimes and it will not be a surprise if the second part too does the same. Justice has been miscarried and it is the responsibility of the people and the central government to intervene in an appropriate way to frustrate this whitewashing by a regime held responsible by the whole world for the Gujarat pogroms of 2002.

Shia-Sunni brotherhood

AIMMM welcomes and appreciates Dr Kalbe Sadiq’s initiative to offer namaz of Eidul Fitr at a Sunni mosque last September. Such interaction in religious festivals will strengthen the unity among various sections of the Muslim community.

Mishra Commission

AIMMM is at a loss to understand why the central government which appointed Mishra Commission in the first place, is sleeping on its recommendations for reservation for Muslims which offer the remedy to disease discovered by the Sachar Committee. AIMMM urges the government to right away place the Mishra Report in Parliament and implement it in right earnest so that the backwardness discovered by the Sachar Committee is addressed to some extent.

Minority schemes

A number of educational and financial schemes including a refurbished 15-point Prime Ministers programme for minorities was launched after the publication of the Sachar report but reports from various regions suggest that the schemes, though very small and half-hearted to make any dent, remain largely on paper because of the problems of implementation, follow-up and overseeing mechanisms which should be in place in order for the schemes to succeed. Formalities too should be simple and application forms and procedures should be simplified so that the common man may benefit from these schemes.

Hate propaganda

The AIMMM notes that hate speech and rumour-mongering by saffron outfits and leaders and sections of the media against the Muslim community is now common with little remedy. The AIMMM urges the government to strengthen the existing laws whereby hate-speech against any Indian citizen on the basis of religion, race or culture becomes a cognisable offence like the hate speech against dalits. Without such a law on the statute book the current liberty enjoyed by communal elements will not be checked.

The AIMMM cautions against the new trend of Bollywood films on terrorism (like “A Wednesday, Mission Istanbul, “Real Amir” and “Black and White”) which are totally based on police versions. By presenting a one-sided and often manufactured or grossly exaggerated stories, these films are harming the communal peace and amity, creating an atmosphere against the Muslim community misusing a powerful medium.

Jamaat-e Islami’s “Vision 2016”

The AIMMM lauds Jamaat-e Islami Hind’s ambitious “Vision 2016” which envisages path-breaking effort to promote education and civil rights awareness among Muslims and includes provision of thousands of scholarships for technical and professional education. While the community should come together to make this effort successful, more such initiatives should be taken by Muslim organisations and individuals in various parts of the country.

Gaza situation

The AIMMM registers with deep regret that the Zionist occupational power continues to lay total siege to Gaza Strip depriving it at will of essentials to survive as decent human beings for the last two years. As a result of the siege, the Gaza strip is witnessing highest poverty and joblessness levels anywhere in the world. The UN general assembly as well as UN observers on the field has severely condemned these measures by Israel continues on this path as it fears no sanctions by the international community for this criminal behaviour against a whole community of 1.5 million people. It is time the international community take this matter seriously. India too should revise its relations with Israel in the view of its criminal conduct in the occupied territories.

Barak Obama

The AIMMM welcomes the election of the first black president in the United States. It hopes this will help realise social justice in the United States and will lead to clear changes in the US foreign policy which made the US detested all over the world. The AIMMM calls upon the United States to abandon the policy of a crusade against the World of Islam. The US should open a new leaf and catch hold of the extended Muslim hand seeking friendship and mutual progress and peace.