Home Economy India in talks with US firms for nuclear reactors

India in talks with US firms for nuclear reactors


New Delhi : The state-owned Nuclear Power Corp (NPCL) is in talks with US nuclear energy companies like GE Energy and Westinghouse Electric for supply of nuclear reactors, the government said Thursday.

Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office, Prithviraj Chavan, told Parliament that NPCL had begun preliminary discussions with GE and Westinghouse for the supply of 1,000 MW nuclear reactors.

“The cost and other commercial details have not been finalised yet and discussions with vendors from other countries is also on,” he added.

In another question on the amount payable to the US for purpose of buying uranium and reactors, Chavan said while international agreements on nuclear co-operation have just been concluded with the US, France and Russia, commercial agreements for supply of nuclear power reactors are yet to be negotiated.

India is mulling opening up the nuclear power sector for private participation, even to foreign companies, once bilateral nuclear co-operation agreements were signed with those countries.