Home India News Observe Nov 26th as ‘Harmony Day’: Kavita Karkare

Observe Nov 26th as ‘Harmony Day’: Kavita Karkare

By Abdul Hameed Yusuf, Twocircles.net,

Mumbai: After a complete month since the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, the city is to submit a memorandum to the President of India demanding to declare 26th November as ‘Harmony Day’ (Bhai Chara Din). Maulana Azad Vichar Manch today held a programme in Allama Latifi Hall of Saboo Siddiq Political High School, Byculla on the topic ‘Bhai Chara Din’ (Harmony Day). The programme was meant to condemn the attack by ‘Pakistani terrorists’ and to pay homage to all the martyred security officers.

Husain Dalwai, the president of Maulana Azad Vichar Manch said that it was Pakistan which attacked India on November 26. ‘The terrorists wanted to divide the Indian society on communal lines but they failed. Indian showed a laudable example of brotherhood. Therefore, on the recommendation of Karkare’s widow Kavita Karkare we are to submit a memorandum to the government demanding it to declare every November 26th as ‘Harmony Day’.

Kavita Karkare addressing the gathering said, ‘Though my husband was killed in such a big attack, I have firm belief that none of the religions sanctions killing of innocents. We must show the spirit of brotherhood to each other or there may come a day when ‘you’ will fall prey to the terrorists.’

She added that November 26 should be celebrated as ‘Bhai Chara Day’.

It should be noted that all the Indians, even the politicians, regardless of caste and religion came on one platform to condemn the terrorist attack and presenting themselves to protect the country.

In the programme, appreciating the decision of ulema not to allow the burial of the terrorists in Muslim graveyards the president of Anjuman-e-Islam, an educational institution, said that he was proud of such ulema. He added that the terrorists in Pakistan are not only a menace to India but they are also for Pakistan in the same way. ‘Nothing but a collective Indo-Pak effort and justice from the government can root out terrorism,’ he added.

Swami Agnivesh praised the unshakable attitude of Hemant Karkare in the Malegaon blast investigation and said, ‘Had there been any weak person in his place he would have stopped his investigation after so much threats form the certain outfits. The blood running in Karkare’s body was Hindustani and not Muslim or Hindu.’ He added that martyrdom of Hemant Karkare would bear fruit only when no shortcomings are done in Malegaon investigation.

He demanded fair investigations in Hyderabad Makkah Masjid, Nanded and Kanpur bomb blasts and asked the government to ban also RSS and Bajrang Dal as it had done with SIMI. ‘LeT, Jaish-e-Muhammd, RSS and Shiv Sena should not defame honorable personalities like Muhammad (saws) and Shiv etc. by naming their terrorist organizations with their respected names. We should fight also the terrorism of poverty, alcohol, dowry, and hatred,’ he added.

‘Unless we take out from our hearts hatred towards our brethren due to caste and religion, the Bhai Chara Din will never be successful, said Swami.