Home Economy Pollution solutions for telecom base stations

Pollution solutions for telecom base stations

By Pupul Dutta, IANS,

New Delhi : With the demand for renewable energy solutions going up in the industrial world, Luminous Teleinfra, engaged in manufacturing packaged electrical power and power conditioning products, is offering green solutions for telecom base stations that promises to help operators reduce pollution as well as operating expenses.

The base station subsystem (BSS) is a section of a traditional cellular telephone network that is responsible for handling traffic and signalling between a mobile phone and the network switching subsystem.

Luminous’ latest technology, energy management and backup unit (EMBU), is a combination of solar, wind, battery and diesel for energy usage, storage and management for base transceiver station (BTS) and base station controller (BSC) sites.

“Almost Rs.35 million (Rs.3.5 crore) is spent on an annual average on electricity and diesel in a base station. We offer solutions that reduce the operating costs of telecom operators in a big way,” Luminous founder and chief operating officer Rakesh Malhotra told IANS.

The BTS contains the equipment for transmitting and receiving radio signals (transceivers), antennae and equipment for encrypting and decrypting communications with the BSC.

“These solutions offered by Luminous will prove to be a significant initiative in addressing energy related operating expenditure, saving challenges of telecom operators and infrastructure companies,” Malhotra said.

The EMBU solutions offer a 15-24 months return of interest to customers and up to 70 percent in operating expenditure related power savings.

It is estimated that 300,000 new BTS sites are expected to roll out in three years in India, where nearly 200,000 already exist. These sites are backed up by diesel generators.

A large majority of these sites are located in grid-deficit areas needing a diesel generator, sometimes set to up to 20 hours daily. A typical 15 kilo volt ampere (KVA) diesel set consumes over 2.5 litres of diesel every hour.

Luminous provides power back-up using battery and inverter, and aims to manage the environmental hazards with its solutions.

To augment the delivery of its products, components and services, Luminous will set up two manufacturing facilities in Himachal Pradesh with a total investment of Rs.2 billion (Rs.200 crore).

The investment will be made in two phases, Malhotra said.

The company is also setting up a manufacturing facility for power electronics with an annual capacity to manufacture 50,000 units.