Home India News Melt snow to drink water: Jammu and Kashmir chief minister

Melt snow to drink water: Jammu and Kashmir chief minister


Jammu : Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has advised people in the snowbound areas of the state to “melt the snow and drink water” till the time regular tap water was made available to them.

Azad who has been visiting the snow-hit areas for the past four days to assess the damage caused by heavy snowfall, especially in the mountainous belt, has listed mitigation of sufferings of the people as his government’s priority.

Nearly 15 to 20 feet of snow has accumulated in the mountainous areas of Jammu division following heavy snowfall last week.

During his visit to Kishtwar and Doda districts, northeast of Jammu, he told residents that as far as their drinking water needs were concerned, these could be met with the “melting of snow”.

“My first priority is to get you food grains, and those can come only when the roads are thrown open,” he said.

Azad said that he was aware of their problems caused by the snowfall, heaviest in years.

“We are trying to open the roads so that food stocks could be brought to you. That is very important,” he said.

According to officials the roads to Kishtwar would be thrown open in a couple of days.

“Although it is a huge task given the amount of snow and the length of the roads to be cleared, yet the roads would be thrown open sooner than later,” said Shailendra Kumar, secretary public works.