Home Art/Culture Two Hindi bands win RC Live Delhi finals

Two Hindi bands win RC Live Delhi finals


New Delhi : Faridkot and Aas bagged a chance to compete for the title of ‘India’s best Hindi band’ with their victory at the Delhi regional finals of RC Live, Radio City 91.1 FM’s nationwide talent hunt.

Faridkot, a six-member pop band, and Aas, a five-member fusion band, were declared winners after riveting live-wire performances here Friday by the five short listed bands from Delhi, which also included Musafir, Muzoc and Om.

The bands were adjudged by Palash Sen of Euphoria, Subir Malik of Parikrama and professional talent scout Vibhav Rao of EMI.

Speaking on the evening’s performances, Sen said: “The freshness, the song writing and the music compositions witnessed at the RC Live Delhi regional finals made it very difficult for us to choose the best. But the journey only gets tougher for the finalists now and they need to work much harder to win.”

The bands will compete with the regional finalists of Bangalore and Mumbai at the RC Live National Finals to be held at The Garden of Five Senses in Delhi Feb 29.

While the Bangalore regional winners are Swarathma and Ek, the Mumbai regional finals are scheduled for late Saturday.

The winning band at the final will bag an album release contract with EMI and a joint promotion by Radio City and EMI for one year.