Home International UK signs new cluster munitions treaty

UK signs new cluster munitions treaty


London : The United Kingdom has signed the ‘Wellington Declaration’ which paves the way for a legally binding international instrument prohibiting the use of those cluster munitions which cause unacceptable harm to civilians. The UK is one of the original 46 states that signed the Oslo Declaration which began this process just over one year ago.

A Foreign and Commonwealth Office announcement said declaration marks a further step towards the Dublin Conference in May where states including the UK will meet to negotiate a final treaty for signature later this year.

Unexploded ordnance from cluster munitions can remain in the ground for decades, threatening lives and livelihoods, hampering post-conflict reconstruction and hindering development.

The UK spends around 10 million pounds (US $ 20 million) per annum on clearing mines and explosive remnants of war (including unexploded cluster munitions).

‘Our support provides immediate relief to civilian populations from the threat posed by cluster munitions which have failed to detonate,’ the FCO announcement further said.

It also assured that the United Kingdom will continue to work with the international community both in the Oslo Process, and in the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), which includes users and producers of cluster munitions who remain outside the Oslo Process, to ensure that the humanitarian objectives are fulfilled.