Home India News Talks with IAEA for safeguards pact progressing smoothly: India

Talks with IAEA for safeguards pact progressing smoothly: India


New Delhi : India Wednesday said that its dialogue with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the safeguards agreement to operationalise the Indo-US Nuclear deal was progressing satisfactorily. “Discussions with IAEA are progressing. There are complex issues involved that have to be taken forward step by step,” Chairman of Indias Atomic Energy Commission Anil Kakodkar told reporters today on the sidelines of the inauguration of a three day international conference in the Southern Indian city of Chennai, news agency Press Trust of India reported.

“India will like to conclude the talks as fast as possible. But we have to see that India’s needs are properly addressed,” Dr Kakodkar said. India and IAEA Monday began their fifth round of talks at Vienna on the India-specific safeguards agreement.