Home International Afro-Americans Shy Away from Clinton

Afro-Americans Shy Away from Clinton

Washington, (Prensa Latina) The majority of Afro-American and young voters in Michigan voted against Senator Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s primaries, a CNN study revealed on Thursday.

Despite the former First Lady’s win in that northern US state, most blacks and young people left that option blank.

The Democrat National Committee deprived Michigan and Florida of all their delegates after both states violated primaries schedule’ regulations.

However, Clinton, Senator Mike Gravel(Alaska), and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich decided to remain on the ballot.

According to CNN, 68 percent of Michigan Afro-Americans and 48 percent of citizens under 29 years old opted for presidential aspirants who did not appear on their ballots.

Illinois Senator Barack Obama and ex legislator of North Carolina John Edwards withdrew their names from the list as a sign of solidarity with the DNC resolution.

Such racial and social disparity could be a bad sign for Clinton, who is preparing for the primaries in Nevada and South Carolina, where half of Democrat voters are black, said the source.

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