Home Indian Muslim IUML demands reservation for minorities

IUML demands reservation for minorities

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

New Delhi: Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) appealed the union government to ensure implantation of Setu Samundaram Canal Project (SSSCP) and reservations for minorities.

Talking to reporters on Sunday, president of Tamil Nadu IUML, Qadir Mohyuddin, asked the union government to implement recommendations of Sachar Committee and Justice Ranganath Mishra Committee. He claimed that implementation of SSSCP shall benefit 18 ports between Pondechery and Kolachaland. It will help in the revival of trade links with other Asian countries.

Targeting Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its anti-Muslim policy, Mr. Mohyuddin said by opposing reservations for Muslims, BJP has proved that it is anti-minority party.

IUML is organizing a state-level conference on 9 March 2008, celebrate completion of 60- years of its existence. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Tamil Nadu chief minister Karunanidhi have also been invited to participate in it.