Home India News Bengal Leader for Strong Ties with Cuba

Bengal Leader for Strong Ties with Cuba

By Prensa Latina

New Delhi : Bengal’s Parliament President Adul Halim championed strengthening relations between this northeastern Indian state and Cuba on Tuesday, in a conversation with Cuban Ambassador to India Miguel Angel Ramirez.

Halim received the Cuban diplomat, part of the group of Latin American ambassadors visiting Calcutta to extend their political and cultural ties between their countries and that region.

In talks with Bengal’s legislative leader, Ramirez referred to the recent successful visit to Cuba by Indian Parliament President Somnath Chaterjee and its importance in boosting relations between both countries’ legislatures.

Halim expressed his desire to contribute to that strengthening and asked to make arrangements for the Cuban legislative delegations that visit India to travel also to Bengal.

The legislative leader highlighted the Bengalese people’s admiration and love for Cuba and its President Fidel Castro, especially due to its contribution to revive the Non-Aligned Movement at such a difficult time in the international arena.

Halim wished the Cuban leader total recovery and I wish a “long life for him to be able to keep leading his people’s destiny and contribute his wisdom to the defense of Third World countries.”

Ambassador Ramirez also held a friendly meeting with state Education Minister Partha Dey, to whom he explained the benefits to education development in developing countries by the Cuban basic literacy teaching program “Yo Si Puedo.”