Home Muslim World News Israeli closure, curfew continues in Naleen town

Israeli closure, curfew continues in Naleen town


Ramallah : Israeli forces imposed closure and curfew on the Palestinian town of Naleen, western Ramallah, for the third day in a row.

Residents told KUNA military blockades keep anyone from coming into or leaving the town.

They added the Israelis conducted an arrests campaign on the town, and noted fierce confrontations are ongoing between local resistance and Israeli troops. The Israelis are using tear gas, concussion bombs, and rubber bullets against protestors and resistance, they said.

This comes after two months of local activities in protest over the apartheid wall and confiscations of Palestinian territory and property.

The Israeli Army also closed the city of Al-Khaleel (Hebron) while Palestinian security sources report the town is completely disconnected from other towns and surrounding territory.

The sources added Israelis are abusing Palestinians at check points and making them suffer such humiliating practices as frisk-search, and even battery is frequently reported.