Home Indian Muslim Haj Committee condemns vandalism at planned Delhi Haj House site

Haj Committee condemns vandalism at planned Delhi Haj House site

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter,

New Delhi: Muslim organizations and political parties have strongly condemned the vandalism allegedly by some activist of Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal at the proposed site of the new Haj House in Dwarka area of the national capital.

On 14th July about five dozen Shiv Sainiks and Bajrang Dal activists uprooted the foundation stone of the planned building which was laid by Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on 8th July.

Vice chairman of Haj Committee of India and vice president of Delhi state Congress, Hasan Ahmad said BJP and its communal affiliates are trying to disturb the communal harmony in the country as elections are round the corner. He said such incidents cannot be tolerated because they are threat to the fabric of the society.

Mohd. Shakeel Saifi, member of the Delhi Haj Committee has condemned the incident and demanded the central and state government to ensure arrest of those responsible for it. He said Haj Committee officials have been ordered to repair the damaged site. He has filed FIR against the unnamed miscreants. He told TwoCircles.net on phone that since he filed the FIR, he is being threatened.

Deputy Speaker in the Delhi Assembly, Shoaib Iqbal has condemned the vandalism and demanded the government to provide proper security at the site. He termed the incident as terrorism and demanded immediate arrests of the culprits.

He said it was already apprehended that the building and Hajis would not be safe in the area and Muslims had opposed the government plan, but the government ignored them.