Home Muslim World News NATO says no intention of incursion into Pakistan

NATO says no intention of incursion into Pakistan

By EuAsiaNews,

Brussels : NATO has categorically denied media reports on build-up of hundreds of its troops on the Afghan side of the border for eventual incursion into Pakistani territory to fight Taliban insurgents.

NATO spokesman James Appathurai told reporters Wednesday that the reports published in Indian and Pakistani media were “inaccurate.”

“There is not, nor there is going to be an incursion of NATO troops into Pakistan. here is no planning for that and there is no mandate for that and there is no troop movement in that direction,” he said.

“Let me be very clear to the Indian press, the Pakistani press, the international press that there is no planning for, intention for incursion of NATO troops into Pakistan,” Appathurai told his weekly press briefing.

NATO has some 50,000 troops under its ISAF mission in Afghanistan.

He, however, clarified that ISAF troops in Afghanistan have the right to fire back in self-defence into Pakistan if they are fired on from Pakistan.

“They do this in close coordination with the Pakistani military authorities,” he added.