Home Indian Muslim To drag Muslims into Indo-US nuclear deal condemnable: Prof. Abdul Haq

To drag Muslims into Indo-US nuclear deal condemnable: Prof. Abdul Haq

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter,

New Delhi: To drag Muslims into the Indo-US nuclear deal is condemnable, said Prof. Abdul Haq, former head of the Department of Urdu at Delhi University, in a seminar on “Present crisis of the country” in New Delhi yesterday.

The nuclear deal is purely a technical and strategic agreement, it has nothing to do with Muslims, Prof. Haq said in the programme organized by United Muslims of India and Indian Youth Federation. Prof. Haq said Muslims are as good citizen of the country as others. Their interests are not different from that of other communities.

Other speakers said that the country is facing a crisis situation: inflation is skyrocketing; farmers’ suicide is unchecked; and illiteracy and unemployment have further graved the situation. In that situation the deal should not be made an ego issue. They, however, urged the government to be more careful while signing the deal.