Home India Politics Karat warns government against pushing N-deal

Karat warns government against pushing N-deal


New Delhi : Communist Party-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Prakash Karat Sunday said that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) would be toppled in Tuesday’s trust vote and warned the government against pushing ahead with the India-US nuclear deal in the event of losing the vote.

A confident looking Karat, who even flashed an occasional smile during his media briefing at the CPI-M headquarters here, warned the Manmohan Singh-led government that the country will revolt if it went ahead with the deal after losing the trust vote.

“We wish to warn the government that in case you lose the trust vote, don’t try to push the deal. Otherwise, there will be a revolt in the country,” Karat said.

Karat said that the Left parties, the United National Progressive Alliance (UNPA), the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and other smaller parties now had the numbers on their side to topple the UPA government in the vote of confidence.

Karat took on Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Mulayam Singh Yadav for betraying the country and other parties by joining hands with the Congress and the UPA on the nuclear deal even after having openly criticized it inside and outside parliament only some months back.

“This is not the first time that the SP is doing so. It has betrayed the country and others twice earlier in 1999 and in 2002. This is the third time. They have no business to blame us for going with the BJP,” Karat said.

The Communist leader said that the UPA government had failed on all fronts and was only committed to the Bush administration.

“They are least bothered about the price rise and inflation. This government should go,” Karat said.

The party’s central committee meanwhile appealed to all secular and democratic parties to vote against the confidence motion being brought by the UPA government.

“The Congress and the Samajwadi Party are desperately trying to mobilise the support of MPs using money power and unscrupulous methods. Even MPs who are convicted of serious crimes are being brought in support,” the party said in a statement.